Meaning of Colors

Color can influence our emotions, our actions and how we respond to various people, things and ideas. Much has been studied and written about color and its impact on our daily lives.

Many people believe that colors are powers, and that colored stones are especially powerful. Here are some of the meanings of colors and the energies contained in their corresponding stones.

Here the list of colors and their meaning:

  • Red symbolizes: action, confidence, courage, vitality
  • Pink symbolizes: love, beauty
  • Brown symbolizes: earth, order, convention
  • Orange symbolizes: vitality with endurance
  • Gold symbolizes: Wealth, prosperity, wisdom
  • Yellow symbolizes: wisdom, joy, happiness, intellectual energy
  • Green symbolizes: life, nature, fertility, well being
  • Blue symbolizes: youth, spirituality, truth, peace
  • Purple symbolizes: Royalty, magic, mystery
  • Indigo symbolizes: intuition, meditation, deep contemplation
  • White symbolizes: Purity, Cleanliness
  • Black symbolizes: Death, earth, stability
  • Gray symbolizes: Sorrow, security, maturity
You can find more explanation in this article

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